Better understand overall conditions of assets within a user-friendly interface

PMG’s Performance Viewer organizes and presents high level, enterprise-wide, asset management information in a user-friendly, web-based interface. With Performance Viewer, users can understand the overall conditions of assets such as pavement quality or overall bridge condition.

Use Performance Viewer to get the information you need quickly through customized data filters such as data types, time periods, and locations. Easily view data through pie charts or bar graphs to help assess conditions, and map the data or export to Microsoft Excel for a deep dive enabling accurate, informed decisions.

  • Group data by types such as pavement or bridge

    Filter by data type, time periods, and locations

    Compare multiple years of data to see trends

    Map results presented in charts

    View the data in pie chart or bar graph format

    Configure charts, legends, and labels

    Download data to Microsoft Excel for further analysis

  • Maximize resources with an easy-to-use interface

    Improve workspace flexibility with a web-based solution

    Improve understanding with data presented in charts or on a map

Join us in the cloud.

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Performance Viewer is a PMG-hosted cloud product and available as part of our subscription platform.

 Ready to talk to someone about Performance Viewer?